Site design and content by Sandra Koning, developed as part of the module Multimedia Design & Authoring, during the course HND Computing Business, studied at Manchester College 2008-2009.
Technical details
- Best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024x768, a minimum of 800x600 is advised
- Checked against current specifications: W3C Markup, valid CSS, accessibility
- Cross-browser compatible, tested in Mozilla Firefox 1.5 & 3, Google Chrome 1.0 and Internet Explorer 7
- Developed using: XAMPP 1.4, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Photoshop CS, Notepad++ 3.1
- Required to view certain content: Cortona vrml plugin, Flash player 6 or higher, Windows Media Player 7 or higher
All links mentioned in this section are external and only accessible with a working internet connection (they open in a new window).